divendres, 2 de març del 2012

Love story

This love song is about unreturned love. It  is a guy who loves a girl but she broke up with him because she loves another boy. This song is about never giving up because love can never be replaced. He still loves her and he wants her to be happy with who she loves even if it's not him. He won't give up anyways.
It is a sad song because he loves her very much and it makes him suffer because he wants her back. But i like the song because of the meaning.

There was a time when all was perfect / Hi havia un temps quan tot era perfecte
no worries, but now that's blurry / Sense preocupacions, pero ara tot esta borrós.
We had something that no one had / Teniem alguna cosa que ningu mes tenia.
but it's all gone now, ain't that so sad / Pero ara ja no hi es, aixo es molt trist.

He came along, took you away, / Ell va arribar, i et va emportar
he opened his arms wide, there you stayed / Va obrir el braços, i allà et vas quedar
You smiled, and waved goodbye, / Vas somriure, i vas fer adeu
and for the last time, I looked in your eyes / I per ultim cop, et vaig mirar als ulls

Love can fade, can break away, / L'amor pot esvair-se, seperar-se
can be forgotten, but not replaced / Pot ser oblidat, pero no substituit
You might lose hope, you might lose faith / Potser perds l'esperança, potser perds la fe.
but don't throw it all away, cause you're afraid / Pero no el llencis, perque tens por.

Now all I ask, is for him to care / Ara tot el que demano, es que ell et cuidi
for him to treat you like I were always there / Que ell et tracti com si jo sempre hi fos
But please don't love him, come back to me / Pero sisplau no l'estimis, torna amb mi
I'm begging you, I'm on my knees / T'ho suplico, i m'agenollo

Please don't forget, all the times we spent / Sisplau no oblidis, tot el temps que em passat
and all the places, we saw and went / I tots els llocs, que hem vist i anat
You were soo happy, what did I do wrong / Tu eres tan feliç, que he fet malament
was I not good enough, all along / No era suficientement bo, al final

Love can fade, can break away, / L'amor pot esvair-se, seperar-se
can be forgotten, but not replaced / Pot ser oblidat, pero no substituit
You might lose hope, you might lose faith / Potser perds l'esperança, potser perds la fe.
but don't throw it all away, cause you're afraid / Pero no el llencis, perque tens por.

Love can fade, can break away, / L'amor pot esvair-se, seperar-se
can be forgotten, but not replaced / Pot ser oblidat, pero no substituit
You might lose hope, you might lose faith / Potser perds l'esperança, potser perds la fe.
but don't throw it all away / Pero no el llencis

Love can fade, can break away, / L'amor pot esvair-se, seperar-se
can be forgotten, but not replaced / Pot ser oblidat, pero no substituit
You might lose hope, you might lose faith / Potser perds l'esperança, potser perds la fe.

but don't throw it all away, but don't throw it all away / Pero no el llencis, pero no el llencis
but don't throw it all away, cause your afraid / Pero no el llencis, perque tens por.

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