dissabte, 16 de juny del 2012
My first tattoo will be an owl in an anchor. First of all because I really like tattoos.The anchor is my symbol and it means alot to me. It reminds me that I have to stay with my feets on the ground and never fly away again. And the owl makes me think of my best friend for some reasons that I don't want to say. And the photo is exactly what I want.
Skate is what completes my life. Music is my life and skate completes it. I practice skate since 4 years old. I started in germany because I used to be alone all day so I asked my mom for a skate and she bought me one. I used to go everyday to school by skate because my mom had to work and couldnt go with me. I left it at the age of five because we had to go back to Portugal and a friend broke my skate. At the age of 7 my mom bought me another and I learnt a lot. But then my best friend died and I broke it and my mom just bought me another when I was 12, here in Spain. I used to go to Barcelona to pratice and stuff but I can't anymore. I still practice but I'd like to practice more often.
divendres, 15 de juny del 2012
Easter Holidays
I didn't do much in Easter holidays. The only thing I liked was goind to the cinema and watch Rec 3. It is an horror film and I really like it. It scared me a bit. It is a film about zombies and I like it. It was funny as well because I went with a person and we had a good time together. Here is the trailer of the film.
dimarts, 12 de juny del 2012
The hunger games
The hunger games is a saga of three books. Alot of people talks about it these days because they recently made a film andalot of people liked it. I really like it. I like to read and this books are really easy to read. I haven't finished the third one because I had some problems but I'll try to read it soon. I have seen the film and I think that without readin the book you can't understand most of things that happen on the film. But I still love it.
Music is everything to me. I wouldn't be me if music didn't exist. I am who I am thanks to the music becaus music made me. I can't go to bed if I haven't listened to music yet. It is hard o study music because it a alot of thinks to know. I compose and it is really difficult because you have to think alot. I have just finished one and it took me one year and half. I am happy enough with it but I still have to change some parts. It is the first original song for my band. My band is called 'Before Yesterday' I play the keyboard. The singer used to be a girl but she had to leave and now we have a guy. We like to play Screamo, Rock and Rock Ballade. We just play for fun and we don't want to play for money because we love music but if someone listen to us and thinks we are good, well we would accept because we love music and if we can share our music with other people it makes us happier. Music is everything to me.
Friendship is a weird thing. Sometimes you have good people around you and sometimes not. It make us find out what we are made of. When we are called for help our friends in need we always go but then, if you need help they say they don't have time, they're too busy or ignore and just don't listen us. Sometimes you're a good friend but you find out they think you're just a bother or somethng else. They say they love us, they always say how much we mean for them but then, they leave and forget us. I think friendship doesn't exist if the person isn't your friend since you both were bornt or since you were both childs. That's why I think I don't have friends because my Friend died so yeah,I don't have friends. I'm a good friend so like everyone can count on me, but I think I can't count on anyone because anyone's my friend.
dissabte, 19 de maig del 2012
Deep in the meadow
This is the song that Katniss sings to Rue when she is dying in The Hunger Games. I really like this songs, the lyrics is so beautiful. I love it!
Deep in the meadow, under the willow..
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow.
Lay down your head, and close your eyes. And when they open, the sun will rise.
Here it's safe, and here it's warm, and here the daises guard you from every harm. And here your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings them true. Here is the Place where I love you!
Deep in the meadow, hidden far away, a cloak of leaves a moonbeam ray.
Forget your woes, and let your troubles lay.
And when again it's morning, they'll wash away.
Here it's safe, and here it's warm, and here the daises guard you from every harm. And here your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings them true. Here is the Place where I love you!
Deep in the meadow, under the willow..
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow.
Lay down your head, and close your eyes. And when they open, the sun will rise.
Here it's safe, and here it's warm, and here the daises guard you from every harm. And here your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings them true. Here is the Place where I love you!
Deep in the meadow, hidden far away, a cloak of leaves a moonbeam ray.
Forget your woes, and let your troubles lay.
And when again it's morning, they'll wash away.
Here it's safe, and here it's warm, and here the daises guard you from every harm. And here your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings them true. Here is the Place where I love you!
diumenge, 4 de març del 2012
A Brighter Planet

I want a brighter planet for my grandchildren.
''Brighter Planet helps people like you measure, reduce and offset their carbon footprints. We are committed to demonstrating that small, day-to-day actions can make a huge difference for the environment.''
My songs
This is a song I wrote with my best friend. I love him so much and we wrote this song when we were going through hard time..
This is my fall
The road I walked was paved in gold to glorify my rotten soul.
I'll buy my ways to talk to god so he can live with what I'm not.
The selfish blood run through my vains.
I gave up everything for grave
I am the light you adore
Scream for me and I'm here no more
I got, you want
I got, you want
It's just don't stop
This was entertainment
Lives are entertainment
Hungry souls on their knees begging for more
The road I walk was paved in gold to feed my hunger soul
I am the closest thing to god so worship me and never stop.
The routten blood runs throught my vains
I gave up everything for grave
I am the light that you adore it keels to see I'm there no more.
I got, you want
It's just don't stop
I got, you want
It's just don't stop
This is entertainment
Lives are entertainment
Now you are all on your knees
tBegging for more
Dear future I bought you
I own
The right to let go
Destroy you
This is my life
Dear future
I blow you
I own to right to let go
Destroy you
This is my last
Close your eyes blood on your chest this is my fall
This is a really weird song but I love it.
This is my fall
The road I walked was paved in gold to glorify my rotten soul.
I'll buy my ways to talk to god so he can live with what I'm not.
The selfish blood run through my vains.
I gave up everything for grave
I am the light you adore
Scream for me and I'm here no more
I got, you want
I got, you want
It's just don't stop
This was entertainment
Lives are entertainment
Hungry souls on their knees begging for more
The road I walk was paved in gold to feed my hunger soul
I am the closest thing to god so worship me and never stop.
The routten blood runs throught my vains
I gave up everything for grave
I am the light that you adore it keels to see I'm there no more.
I got, you want
It's just don't stop
I got, you want
It's just don't stop
This is entertainment
Lives are entertainment
Now you are all on your knees
tBegging for more
Dear future I bought you
I own
The right to let go
Destroy you
This is my life
Dear future
I blow you
I own to right to let go
Destroy you
This is my last
Close your eyes blood on your chest this is my fall
This is a really weird song but I love it.
Distance love song
This is an acoustic ballad on the hardships of long distance relationships. I really love this song because it talks about how hard is long distance relationships. I have been in one and it is very hard and makes you suffer.
Hey darling, I hope you're good tonight
And I know you don't feel right when I'm leaving
Yeah, I want it but no, I don't need it
Tell me something sweet to get me by
'Cause I can't come back home 'til they're singin'
La, la la la, la la la
'Til everyone is singin'
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear to you that we can make this last
(La la la)
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear come tomorrow, this will all be in our past
It might be for the best
Hey sweetie, I need you here tonight
And I know that you don't wanna be leaving
Yeah, you want it but I can't help it
I just feel complete when you're by my side
But I know you can't come home 'til they're singin'
La, la la la, la la la
'Til everyone is singin'
La, la la la, la la la
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear to you that we can make this last
(La la la)
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear come tomorrow, this will all be in our past
It might be for the best
You know you can't give me what I need
And even though you mean so much to me
I can wait through everything
Is this really happening?
I swear I'll never be happy again
And don't you dare say we can just be friends
I'm not some boy that you can sway
We knew it'd happen eventually
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singin'
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singin'
(If you can wait 'til I get home)
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singin'
(Then I swear we can make this last)
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singin'
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear we can make this last
And I know you don't feel right when I'm leaving
Yeah, I want it but no, I don't need it
Tell me something sweet to get me by
'Cause I can't come back home 'til they're singin'
La, la la la, la la la
'Til everyone is singin'
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear to you that we can make this last
(La la la)
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear come tomorrow, this will all be in our past
It might be for the best
Hey sweetie, I need you here tonight
And I know that you don't wanna be leaving
Yeah, you want it but I can't help it
I just feel complete when you're by my side
But I know you can't come home 'til they're singin'
La, la la la, la la la
'Til everyone is singin'
La, la la la, la la la
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear to you that we can make this last
(La la la)
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear come tomorrow, this will all be in our past
It might be for the best
You know you can't give me what I need
And even though you mean so much to me
I can wait through everything
Is this really happening?
I swear I'll never be happy again
And don't you dare say we can just be friends
I'm not some boy that you can sway
We knew it'd happen eventually
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singin'
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singin'
(If you can wait 'til I get home)
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singin'
(Then I swear we can make this last)
La, la la la, la la la
Now everybody's singin'
If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear we can make this last
divendres, 2 de març del 2012
Love story
This love song is about unreturned love. It is a guy who loves a girl but she broke up with him because she loves another boy. This song is about never giving up because love can never be replaced. He still loves her and he wants her to be happy with who she loves even if it's not him. He won't give up anyways.
It is a sad song because he loves her very much and it makes him suffer because he wants her back. But i like the song because of the meaning.
There was a time when all was perfect / Hi havia un temps quan tot era perfecte
no worries, but now that's blurry / Sense preocupacions, pero ara tot esta borrós.
We had something that no one had / Teniem alguna cosa que ningu mes tenia.
but it's all gone now, ain't that so sad / Pero ara ja no hi es, aixo es molt trist.
He came along, took you away, / Ell va arribar, i et va emportar
he opened his arms wide, there you stayed / Va obrir el braços, i allà et vas quedar
You smiled, and waved goodbye, / Vas somriure, i vas fer adeu
and for the last time, I looked in your eyes / I per ultim cop, et vaig mirar als ulls
Love can fade, can break away, / L'amor pot esvair-se, seperar-se
can be forgotten, but not replaced / Pot ser oblidat, pero no substituit
You might lose hope, you might lose faith / Potser perds l'esperança, potser perds la fe.
but don't throw it all away, cause you're afraid / Pero no el llencis, perque tens por.
Now all I ask, is for him to care / Ara tot el que demano, es que ell et cuidi
for him to treat you like I were always there / Que ell et tracti com si jo sempre hi fos
But please don't love him, come back to me / Pero sisplau no l'estimis, torna amb mi
I'm begging you, I'm on my knees / T'ho suplico, i m'agenollo
Please don't forget, all the times we spent / Sisplau no oblidis, tot el temps que em passat
and all the places, we saw and went / I tots els llocs, que hem vist i anat
You were soo happy, what did I do wrong / Tu eres tan feliç, que he fet malament
was I not good enough, all along / No era suficientement bo, al final
Love can fade, can break away, / L'amor pot esvair-se, seperar-se
can be forgotten, but not replaced / Pot ser oblidat, pero no substituit
You might lose hope, you might lose faith / Potser perds l'esperança, potser perds la fe.
but don't throw it all away, cause you're afraid / Pero no el llencis, perque tens por.
Love can fade, can break away, / L'amor pot esvair-se, seperar-se
can be forgotten, but not replaced / Pot ser oblidat, pero no substituit
You might lose hope, you might lose faith / Potser perds l'esperança, potser perds la fe.
but don't throw it all away / Pero no el llencis
Love can fade, can break away, / L'amor pot esvair-se, seperar-se
can be forgotten, but not replaced / Pot ser oblidat, pero no substituit
You might lose hope, you might lose faith / Potser perds l'esperança, potser perds la fe.
but don't throw it all away, but don't throw it all away / Pero no el llencis, pero no el llencis
but don't throw it all away, cause your afraid / Pero no el llencis, perque tens por.
divendres, 10 de febrer del 2012
New Year's resolutions for 2012
My objectives for this year are...
1. I will be a better pianist.
a) I'll practice 8 hours aweek..
b) I'll learn more songs.
c) I'll ask for help if I need it.
2. I will be a better student.
a) I'll study three days before exams.
b) I'll ask for help whenever I don't know something.
c) I'll always do my homework.
3. I will be a better person.
a) I'll be with my bestfriend at least once a month.
b) I'll trust more myself.
c) I won't take life problems so seriously.
1. I will be a better pianist.
a) I'll practice 8 hours aweek..
b) I'll learn more songs.
c) I'll ask for help if I need it.
2. I will be a better student.
a) I'll study three days before exams.
b) I'll ask for help whenever I don't know something.
c) I'll always do my homework.
3. I will be a better person.
a) I'll be with my bestfriend at least once a month.
b) I'll trust more myself.
c) I won't take life problems so seriously.
diumenge, 22 de gener del 2012
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